Friday, February 6, 2009

Super Busy Weekend.

So last weekend Jeff and I felt trapped in our house and bored as all get out, so we made a few plans for the weekend. (since we had no children)
Friday we went to "Underworld" and then to Outback for dinner.
Saturday we went to Village Inn with some friends and then "Slumdog Millionaire". We then went to my parents house and met up to head to The Chef's Table restaurant for my birthday dinner and then back to my folks house to see their pictures from their trip to Australia and New Zealand. Sunday we went to my sister Heather's house for a fabulous waffle birthday breakfast and then played Wii. Then we headed to Bountiful to Jeff's sisters for a birthday party for his sister, nephew and brother in law. Then we drove down to Provo to watch the SuperBowl at my parents house with my whole family. Dang I am tired just thinking about last weekend. So tonight is Friday and we are sitting on our butts still trying to recover from all of the entertainment of last weekend. MODERATION would be good here! (PS I have been very sick all week probably because we over did it!)